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Tips to Improve Your Bow Hunting Skills

Start Slow and Build Your Strength

It’s like getting back to the gym after a long break. It’s best to start off slow. Work on your shooting technique. Practice drawing your bow, aiming, and letting it down without shooting to build and strengthen the muscles until it becomes effortless. Practice holding your bow like you are anticipating a shot. After you can draw the bow effortlessly, start holding it drawn for longer and longer periods, simulating a hunting situation. The good thing about this type of practice is you don’t have to leave the house because you aren’t going to be shooting yet.

Deer Target

Technique Development

Now that you are in shape to shoot your bow, it’s time to work on technique. I like to start on a large target or range that has a wall-size target. If you don’t have that option, you can shoot at very close range. Focus on the center of an area, not really an aim point. Draw, anchor, breathe while holding your aim, and pull your shoulders together with your back muscles, which puts pressure on the release to loose the arrow. Try to use the same anchor points every time and just shoot until this becomes automatic movement or muscle memory.

Gradual Distance Increase

Now you’re ready to practice hitting smaller and smaller targets until you are consistent at close range. Move back ten yards at a time and practice until you’re confident at the new distance, then keep moving out.

Real-Life Practice

Now that you are in good shooting form, you can add in life-like targets and situations. Practice shooting broadside and quartering shots. Go up in the stand you will hunt from to practice close shots and steep angles. (Always use a safety harness while hunting and shooting from elevated positions!) You will see how different your aim point is when the shot is straight down. I put my stand up in the backyard before the season to get ready, and it makes a big difference when you are prepared. If you hunt from a blind, practice shooting from one so you don’t have failures when it’s for real.

Archery is the most rewarding way to harvest an animal that I have experienced, and we owe it to the game and ourselves to be as accurate as possible. I hope you all have a safe and successful season this year. Good luck!

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